Friday, January 29, 2010

My Concert at Schoenberg

Just last Friday, I performed in the HASOM Schoenberg Building. It was a two hour solo vocal concert put together for SPICMACAY, which is a student group on campuses across the country and in India which promotes Indian music and dance, and EGSO (Ethnomusicology Graduate Student Organization). This concert took place in the choral room from 630 to 830 PM. It was the first time I had ever performed a full-on concert in Schoenberg. There was a surprisingly great turn out despite the rainy, gloomy day. I was excited to see many of my peers and other musicians in the LA area.
I sang a traditional South Indian Classical Vocal Concert. The format of the concert involves compositions from Indian poets and musicians who composed these pieces centuries ago. These pieces have been passed down through the generation of musicians and are still performed today. The majority of the concert was improvised though.
Many of the attendees were HASOM students and they stayed and listened for the whole two hours. I noticed many of the students were keeping Tala (time cycle) very proficiently even though it can get very complicated with intricate rhythms. Many students had not even heard Indian Music before and seem to grow more interested after sitting through this concert.
Overall I think it was a very successful event, and I hope to perform more often as well as hear my other peers perform too.


  1. Congratulations on your first "formal full on" concert! Although I couldn' be there, I'm blew the audience away with you voice. You should sing for our class. haha. I remember back in the days with Professor Beken, you would sing time to time.

  2. And I hope a lot of folks come to the Mehfil performance next week. I'll tweet about it in a minute.
